PHOTO – Long time Canmore Eagle Board member Joost Asselbergs handles the ceremonial puck drop at the Eagles game on Oct. 1. Joost is surrounded by (L to R)Eagle assistant captain Jeremy Margeson, VP Al Doll, President Darryl Lockwood, Govenor John Straw and Spruce Grove Saints Caleb Belter. Photo coutesy of Julie Wilson
The Canmore Eagles are saddened to announce that long-time board member Joost Asselbergs will be leaving Canmore and the Eagles organization to retire to his cottage in Gravenhurst, Ontario. Joost has been a key player in the Eagles organization since their inception in 1995 and will be deeply missed. Joost looked after the Eagle financial records, tended bar at the Eagles Nest Lounge, sold 100’s of Christmas trees, solicited silent auction items, organized golf tournaments, cooked at Eagle BBQ’s, sold hockey tickets, and did whatever it took to raise funds for the Canmore Eagles hockey team. We all wish Joost the best of luck in his retirement.