Canmore Eagles – 3 on 3 Spring Program – Postponed

Canmore Eagles 3 on 3 Spring Hockey ? We apologize for a delayed response to the status of the 3 on 3 Spring Hockey Program. Our staff has been working through the abrupt conclusion of the season, closing of our office, as well as ensuring the health all of our families.
The start of 3 on 3 Spring Hockey will be temporally postponed until further notice. We will continue to accept registrations and will set the starting date once we receive word that it is safe to do so. The Canmore Eagles still plan on running the 3 on 3 program as soon as it is deemed safe to do so by health officials.

– Canmore Eagles Junior Hockey Club

The Canmore Eagles Junior Hockey Club is pleased to provide players of all ages and skill levels an opportunity to further develop hockey fundamentals while enjoying fun, fast paced 3 on 3 hockey.

Players are grouped based on their age. 3 on 3 teams are built to create evenly matched games which will include all players no matter of experience and ability.

Program runs for 8 consecutive weeks. All sessions remain 90 minutes in length. Sessions are structured to consist of 30 minutes of FUNDAMENTAL DEVELOPMENT delivered by Canmore Eagles staff and players. The following 60 minutes will be organized 3 on 3 GAME PLAY.

Mondays Starting April 6th

2011 & Younger – 4:00pm – 5:30pm

2005/2006 – 5:45pm – 7:15pm

Tuesdays Starting April 7th

2009/2010 – 4:00pm – 5:30pm

2007/2008 – 5:45pm – 7:15pm

* Groups are split into 4 teams. Each team will play 3 cross ice games each session.

* Equal Ice Time for all. 90 second shifts on buzzer.

* Instruction and Game Supervision by Canmore Eagles Staff/Players

* Official Eagles 3 on 3 Jersey Provided with Registration

Spring 3 on 3 has filled 3 straight years! Register Today


Adult Spring Hockey Program

Adult Spring Hockey is available to all players 18+ of any skill levels. The program is open to both men and women and gives participants the opportunity to develop their skills while enjoying a fun and encouraging atmosphere.

Sessions are 75 minutes in length. Each session will consist of a minimum 45 minutes of individual skill and tactic instruction delivered by Canmore Eagles staff. Following the skill instruction will be organized game play.

8 Week Program – Beginning April 7th

Tuesday Evenings – 7:30pm – 8:45pm

**Instruction emphasis on skating, puck handling, passing, and shooting within a safe and positive environment.

Cost – $250.00

Register Today


Program helps to support Junior A hockey in the Bow Valley